Rekindling the Flame Read online

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  “I can’t go tonight, Alan. I’m catching the next flight to California.”

  “Come on, Mia.” He didn’t even try to hide the disappointment in his voice. “I thought we had an agreement.”

  “Yes, but something came up. We’re talking about my job here. I can’t just throw in the towel on this one.”

  “You’ve resigned. Why should you give a shit?” He practically yelled into the phone.

  “I’m working up until next week. I have a job to finish.” She didn’t need this stress just before taking a flight on an unplanned trip. The interruption in her schedule was already enough hassle.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. We can go to the restaurant when I get back. There has to be a contract manager there to represent the company.” What was she doing explaining herself to him? Did he think he could just walk back into her life and control her?

  “Bullshit!” This time, he did yell. “You’re going to him, aren’t you?”

  Mia gripped the phone tighter in her hand. “Excuse me?”

  “Jordan Bell. You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?”

  She bit her bottom lip so hard, she almost drew blood. “You haven’t changed one bit, have you?”

  “Neither have you.” A horn honked loudly in the background. “Don’t you know how to drive, you fucking idiot!” Another car horn. “When will you realize he’s not into you? All he wants is what’s between your legs.”

  “You jerk!” She cringed from the hurt of Alan’s words. Her blood pressure shot through the roof.

  “Gosh, I’m so—”

  “I have business to take care of, Alan. Good-bye.” She didn’t need his apologies.

  After disconnecting the call, she threw the Smartphone into her handbag.

  Mia paced her bedroom like a lunatic. She dug her fingernails into her palms in an attempt to prevent her hands from shaking. Her neck and face were on fire from anger. Everything had gone wrong today. She’d had to cancel meetings to take an emergency flight. She’d had to postpone the appointment with the moving company this evening. If she didn’t leave soon, she’d miss her flight. Her cab waited on her downstairs racking up the toll. Now she’d just had the misfortune to deal with a complete and utter bastard over the phone.

  She huffed, paused, and took several deep breaths. She couldn’t let Alan succeed in destroying the rest of her evening. If he wanted to act like a spoiled adolescent, then he could do so by himself. She was done with immature men.

  * * * *

  As Mia entered the hotel, bellhop behind her with luggage, she spotted Jordan sitting in the reception area. He tossed his coffee cup in the trash receptacle, and walked toward her. A feeling of relief washed over her, but she couldn’t tell if it was because she was finally here or because of seeing a familiar face. Due to the connecting flight from RDU to LAX, it was now close to midnight.

  “Mia.” Jordan took her briefcase. “They told me you were flying out. I tried to catch you by cell, but my secretary said you’d already left. Then I got voicemail from there on out.”

  “I forgot to charge my cell before leaving home.” And her laptop, and Kindle e-reader for that matter. She sighed. “And Barbara couldn’t make it.”

  “Yes, I heard.” He frowned and then turned to the bellhop. “Thanks.” He shuffled through his wallet and handed the guy a fresh twenty dollar bill.

  “Thanks, Jordan.” Mia didn’t have the energy to argue with him. She was just too tired. Sleeping on airplanes had never been comfortable for her, even in first class. A nice soft bed with plump pillows called her name, and she needed the rest.

  “You look exhausted.” He pulled the cart with her bag to the receptionist desk. “Let’s get you checked in.”

  “Gee, thanks. I look that bad?” She managed a grin.

  “You’d look beautiful covered in mud.” He smiled. “I can tell you’re tired, though.”

  She hadn’t remembered smiling like this all day. Jordan knew how to bring out the best in her at the worst possible times, even under dismal circumstances.

  “I have a suite reserved for you.” He took the key card from the receptionist behind the desk, and they headed toward the elevators. “The on-site restaurant is closed. There are a few good places in the area. I can have something delivered.”

  “No, Jordan.” She shook her head. “I just want to call it a night. Thanks for waiting up for me.”

  Jordan held the elevator door for her and she stepped inside. He dragged the cart in with them. “I should thank you for coming. I’m afraid to let you go either way. There will never be another contract manager quite as dedicated as you are.”

  “Yes, there will be.” She laughed. “You spoil your employees. That’s why they’re so hard-working and loyal.”

  They stopped in front of her door and she took the key card to unlock it. “I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but it’s good to finally be here.” She walked inside the spacious suite, yawning.

  “I’m glad you’re here, too.” Jordan placed the last of her suitcases inside. “About the other evening…” He straightened up and wiped his palms against his slacks. “I meant every word of what I said.”

  “I’m sure you did.” It still didn’t erase the phone conversation she’d heard him having with his best friend saying she was no good for him. Or how he allowed his family to degrade their friendship.

  “I’m gonna let you get your rest.” He must have sensed her fast turning mood. “Tomorrow morning there’s a breakfast for the attendees in one of the conference rooms. Can’t remember which. I hope to see you there.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  When Jordan was gone, she glanced around the big, empty extravagant suite. It welcomed her with the same lonely, solitary reality as her own bedroom.

  She kicked off her shoes and fell back onto the bed. Nothing mattered now except getting her rest. It was going to be a long week.

  Chapter Six

  Sounds of silverware hitting fine china and wine bottles tapping the rims of glasses filled the grand ballroom. Chatter, laughter, and light classical music rang through the space. Business men and women from all aspects of the real estate industry wound down for the evening to the extravagant six course meal served courtesy of the conference sponsors.

  Mia took one last sip of her wine just as the waitress came to clear the table where she’d sat. With Jordan’s back turned, and while he said good-bye to the CEO of a local bank, she took the opportunity to excuse herself. She was so ready to call it a night. Today was only the first day of the seminar, and she was ready for it to be over soon.

  She smiled at and greeted a few people on her way out of the room, and then headed for the elevators.

  “Are you running from me?” Jordan startled her from behind.

  “No. Of course not.” She stepped on the elevator and Jordan followed.

  “You were completely zoned out during dinner. What were you thinking about?”

  Mia shrugged. “Just some really aggravating stuff that happened before my flight.” She couldn’t believe how Alan had overreacted to the news that she needed to cancel their outing to take a business trip. His control and anger issues were still a problem.

  “Can I make it any better?”

  “I think I’ve taken care of it.” She’d decided this morning while lying in bed that she’d definitely have to make it clear to Alan that she was done with him or avoid him at all costs. With him living less than thirty miles from her parents’ house, it would be a difficult. But one thing she wasn’t going to let him do was make her life miserable.

  “I hope so.” He held the elevator door open. “Your floor. Do you mind if I walk you to your room?”

  She smiled in acceptance. “You gave an excellent speech on investment securities.” Changing the subject from her state of angst to another topic seemed like the best thing to do. “I think you sold quite a few of the brokers her

  Jordan grinned. “Ah, it was nothing.”

  “No, really. You may have sparked the curiosity of another investor with that speech.”

  “I was worried about that state of the firm. Wasn’t sure I had the experience to actually run the company. Unlike you, I was kind of thrown into this business. You had a choice.”

  She stopped in front of her door, and fumbled in her clutch for her key card. “Right. I’d always wanted to work at a law firm.”

  “Congratulations, by the way.”

  “I can’t believe that in a few weeks, I’ll be in charge of part of the operation there.”

  He leaned against her doorframe. “You seem very excited about it. Have you celebrated yet?”

  “Celebrate before I even start the job?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “Why not? You deserve it.”

  “I’ll celebrate when I get my first paycheck.” Mia laughed. “You can help me.” It was too late to take back that statement. When around Jordan, he made her feel at ease. When they’d been in a relationship, she’d come to rely on that feeling.

  “I’ll remember you said that.” He smiled. “I’ll let you go.” Jordan stepped back, turned around, and started back down the hall.

  She opened her mouth to call him back, but thought against it. Instead, she said, “Good night.”

  He turned only long enough to return the greeting.

  * * * *

  Mia threw on her robe over her nightgown when she heard a knock. Using the peephole, she saw a maid with uniform on at the door. She hadn’t called for room service tonight. Why was the maid at her door?

  Leaving the eyebolt on, she cracked it open just enough to exchange words. “Yes?”

  “I have a delivery for you.”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t order anything.”

  “It says room eight zero two. Ms. Johnson, yes?”

  Still confused, Mia opened the door and watched the lady wheel a cart inside her room. The floral fragrance from the white petals sprinkled around the arrangement of chocolates and champagne rose to her nose. She inhaled the sweet smell.

  “Enjoy.” The maid left the room, closing the door beside her.

  Mia already had a hunch about who was responsible for the surprise. On their very first date, Jordan had shown up at her doorstep with a single white rose. He’d explained to her later on that night the meaning of the color of the flower. The white rose signified a new beginning. She plucked the card from the silver tray and opened it.

  “Enjoy the champagne and chocolates to celebrate your achievements. Congratulations. Jordan.”

  She felt herself grinning from ear to ear. When was the last time someone had surprised her with sweets, and her favorite bottle of champagne? She couldn’t really remember.

  After peeling the foil wrapper from one of the chocolates, she savored it like a kid in a candy store. The creamy filling melted in her mouth, and she pressed her lips together in delight. Too bad she was supposed to be on a diet. Grabbing the champagne bottle and opener, she plopped down on the plush queen-size bed. She paused just before popping the cork. Leaning over to the nightstand, she picked up the receiver on the phone and dialed Jordan’s room number. The phone rang several times before the pre-recorded hotel answering service came on.

  Mia replaced the receiver on its hook. Who really answered hotel phones anyway? She got up and dug through her suitcase for something other than a flimsy nightgown.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,” she mumbled to herself as she pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She shoved the champagne bottle in her handbag, took one last look in the mirror, and headed out of the door.

  It took her less than five minutes to take the elevator down to Jordan’s floor. Halfway to his door, her hands started shaking and her feet seemed to wobble in her pumps. Surely she acted on pure impulse, because had she thought this through, she would have been huddled under the covers and sipping on her champagne alone.

  She swallowed her hesitation and rapped on the door. There was still time to turn back around. She’d knocked so lightly there was no way he could have heard it if he was inside. Once more, she knocked, louder this time. As soon as she thought about leaving, she heard the locks rattle from inside.

  On the other side, Jordan stood naked from the waist up. His chiseled chest was slightly wet, and the towel wrapped around his waist barely covered the patch of hair trailing down his abdomen.

  She bit her bottom lip as her eyes trailed up his tanned torso. There was a toothbrush in one hand, and he held the door handle in the other hand. When she met his gaze, he grinned at her. A hint of foam from the toothpaste smudged the corner of his mouth and his chin.

  Mia laughed. “You’ve got toothpaste all over your face.”

  He chuckled. “Come in.”

  The scent of cologne engulfed her as she walked into his room. There was still a faint mist of after shower as steam flowed from the bathroom into the room. The water was still running in the shower stall.

  “Seems I caught you at a bad time.” Her gaze swept over his chest again, and the scorpion tattoo on his upper right arm. They’d both been in Miami Beach on spring break when they’d acted on sheer impulse and got tattoos together. She’d chosen her own zodiac symbol, the crab, and had it designed on the outside of her leg just above her right ankle.

  “No you didn’t.” He took her bag and placed it on a coffee table, and then motioned toward to the two-seater couch with his free hand. “Have a seat. The bed is comfy, though, and there’s a flat screen TV in front of it.” He walked over to the night stand and handed her the remote. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

  After Jordan retreated to the bathroom, she took the remote and sat at the foot of his bed. The TV was already tuned to an HBO channel. An action movie she couldn’t remember the name of but swore she’d already seen played on the screen.

  By the time Jordan made it out of the bathroom, she was already engrossed in the movie. She kicked her heels off, curled her legs up under her, and barely noticed he’d been finished.

  “Oh, yeah, Hitman. One of my favorites.” He plopped down on the bed next to her. Laying out on the bed, he propped his elbow up and rested his chin on one palm.

  She snapped her fingers. “That’s the name of it. It’s getting really good. Plus Mr. Forty-seven is really hot.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He turned on his side, and grinned up at her. “Hotter than me?”

  Mia smiled at him coyly, scooted off the bed, and pulled the champagne bottle from her hand bag. “I didn’t want to celebrate alone.”

  He nodded. “Celebrating by yourself isn’t fun at all.”

  “Thanks, by the way.” Laying out next to him, she handed him the bottle and bottle opener. She dropped her forehead in her hand. “Shoot, I forgot the glasses on the cart.”

  “No problem.” He screwed the opener on the wooden cork. “We can celebrate just like old times.” The sound of a pop and sizzle filled the room, and some foam flowed down the neck of the bottle over his hand. He offered her the bottle.

  “Do you mean drink from the bottle?” She scrunched up her nose.

  “Either that or I can call housekeeping and wait while they bring glasses. Come on, don’t you remember how we used to have fun?”

  Oh, yes, she remembered. But, they were younger back then. Not much younger, but certainly she was a changed woman from a few years ago. She couldn’t even remember the last time she went to a good party and had an all-nighter. The days of her adolescent carefree youth were over. Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun once in a while.

  Mia tipped the rim against her lips and took a sip. She swallowed the chilled smooth champagne, and then handed the bottle to him.

  He took a long sip, and she watched the Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed. “Excellent.”

  She rolled over on her back. “This moving and new position
thing feels like the biggest decision in my life ever.” Sliding her arms under her head, she took a deep breath. “I just hope it’s the right one, and that I’m happy in the long run.”

  “If I can remember, it’s the job you’ve always wanted. You’re making the decision to accept what you want.”

  “It just came so quickly. I wish I had more time. I mean, I wanted to finish my studies and all.”

  “You’re nearly finished. You only have a few months left, so don’t underestimate yourself.”

  She turned her head to peer into his deep brown eyes. “I’ll be closer to the most aggravating family in the world, that’s for sure.”

  He laughed. “No one’s family is more aggravating than mine. I think all my relatives have an inside agenda to murder each other, cold-blooded murder.”

  With all the money, businesses, and investments attached to the Bell family name, Jordan’s family was always arguing over this and that. They especially tried to gain control of anything that would increase their net worth. The one time Jordan had invited her over to a Christmas dinner, she couldn’t believe the amount of hatred and jealousy in the room. It was all about money and fame to them. Who had the most of it, whose child had just graduated with honors, who’d just bought a home near the Hamptons…

  “I’ve revolted enough against my parents. I realized this past year that they only want what’s best for me, not to control or run my life.”

  Jordan’s eyes roamed away from her face. “Right. They want what’s best for you.”

  “I hope everything goes as planned on moving day.”

  “You really are moving, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Jordan.” She sighed. “I really am.” She took the bottle from him and took a long sip.

  “I don’t think I want you to leave.” There was actually a hint of sadness in his voice.