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Rekindling the Flame Page 2
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“I don’t necessarily prefer it. I’m finishing up with school, and I have a career here.” Mia walked into her kitchen where she’d left her laptop sitting this morning, and powered it on.
“You still working at that place?”
“What place?” She knew exactly what he was referring to, but that place had a name.
He shrugged. “You know. Bell and Chapman.”
“Of course.” Speaking of, she needed to check email to make sure the contract for the Lockwood expansion had been delivered on time yesterday. She turned her attention to her laptop and opened her email program.
“When was the last time you came home?”
You mean you don’t already know? She almost let the flippant question slip from her mouth, but decided against it. “Two months ago. My mother’s fiftieth birthday dinner and celebration.”
“Hhmm, really?” He turned his attention from the magnets on her refrigerator to peer at her. “I didn’t know about it.”
“Didn’t Terrence tell you?” This time, she didn’t hold the sarcastic remark back. “Oh, I forgot. He was working overseas that month, and didn’t have time to run his mouth.”
Alan grinned. “Still got that smart-assed mouth, don’t you?”
She smiled for the first time since she’d seen Alan waiting at her door. “And you know this.”
The UPS email confirmed that the documents had been delivered on time. She’d give it a day or two before she called Mr. Smith’s secretary to double check. Walters wanted to have the contract executed and reviewed by Jordan before he left on his business trip to California.
“Too bad you have to leave all this behind.” He stood by the glass double doors leading out to a small patio.
She rolled her eyes. “How much do you already know?”
“Enough.” When he turned around, he had a serious expression on his face. “It’s gotta be lonely up here with you in school and working all the time.”
Mia nodded. “I work a lot, but the benefits are rewarding. I’m only a few semester hours and one final exam away from earning the degree I deserve.”
“Congratulations. Take time to celebrate.” He took a seat across the table from her. “One of the guys told me about a nice restaurant while I was at the party. Forty-nine. All the politicians and everybody who is anybody eat there when they’re in the city. Would you like to be my date?”
“I’ve eaten there before,” she said, deliberately avoiding the question.
“Are you free tonight, or tomorrow?”
Was he asking her out on a date? After all they’d been through? After what she’d done to him, and how he’d tried to sabotage any chance of her having any kind of relationship with anyone else?
“I’m very busy for the next few days.”
His eyes were hopeful, like they always were when he really wanted something. It was the same expression on his face as when he’d asked for her hand in marriage. “You tell me then. I’m returning home, and I’d really like to take you out.”
She felt sorry for him, and a remorseful sensation washed over her. “I’ll think about it. Tuesday, maybe.”
Alan’s eyes brightened. “Great. I’d really like to catch up on things, Mia. It’s been a long time.”
Mia bit her lips, and contemplated why he chose now to reconnect with her after almost a year. Either way, leading him on was one thing that she definitely didn’t want to do.
“Let’s get one thing straight.” She locked gazes with him, hoping that he took what she had to say seriously. “I’ll go with you to the restaurant…as friends. Terrence tells me that you ask about me all the time. Who, what, when, where, why…and if I’m dating again. I’m not interested in dating or relationships right now. My priority is my work.”
Alan took a noticeable deep breath. “Sure. I get that.” He glanced down at his wrist watch. “Well, I better go. I’m glad I stopped by.”
Mia led him to the door. The awkwardness was a sure indication of how far they’d grown apart. Had they ever known each other that well anyway? It’d been her father who’d introduced her to Alan, then boasted about how much the man had going for himself. He came from a wealthy family, and was known throughout their hometown as upstanding. Alan was the perfect son-in-law to both her parents. He’d earned their trust and respect way before she became romantically involved with him.
What they didn’t know about Alan was how controlling he could be. They had no idea that she’d threatened to leave him way before she ended the engagement. The choice was to lose her or get help with his anger management issues. There were times when he’d lashed out at her for small things—forgetting to add fabric softener to his load of clothes or the time she dyed her hair black. Many times, he’d raised his hands to hit her, but always caught himself before he carried it out. The signs of a physical and emotional abuser were there, and she’d demanded that he get help immediately.
Over the course of anger management intervention, he’d improved significantly. Their relationship never quite took off after that, though, and Mia realized that she’d stayed with Alan so long to please her parents. She genuinely cared about him, but as a good friend. Several times, she’d tried to tell Alan how she felt, but he didn’t take her seriously.
Then she met Jordan…and thought she could have her cake and eat it too.
“See you Tuesday.”
Mia shook her head, ridding herself of those distant memories. “Yeah. See you then.”
After closing the door behind her, she pressed her back to the wall. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath.
Damn Jordan. Her emotions resembled a roller coaster ride whenever she thought about him. Young, carefree, and still known for his bad boy ways, Jordan wasn’t good for her. Not unless she wanted another broken heart.
Chapter Four
Mondays were always hectic for Mia. It was even busier as all the executives of the company geared up for the big conference in California. She’d sustained on power bars and coffee the whole day. Mia grabbed her cell phone and glanced at the calls she’d ignored since this morning. No one important, except for her dad, had called her. She’d talk to him when she got home. No doubt it had something to do with the moving details. For now, she would enjoy this moment of quiet free time.
There was a knock on her door, and she looked up just as Barbara walked into her office. There goes the free time.
“Just seeing if there was anything else you needed from me before I called it quits,” her assistant said.
“No, Barbara.” She shook her head. “All the contracts have been finalized and sent off.” Thank goodness for that. It meant that tomorrow wouldn’t be as hectic. She could only hope.
“I can’t believe you’ve put in your separation notice. Everyone’s in shock that you’re leaving the firm.” Barbara crossed her arms over her chest. “What will Walters do without you?”
“He’ll have you. I’ve already recommended you for the position. Now all you have to do is apply.” Mia grinned. “You do plan on applying, don’t you?”
Barbara bit her bottom lip, and then her gaze dropped to the ground. “We’ll see. There are already several people more qualified than me who are applying.”
“Never mind them.” Mia winked. “You deserve this position.”
“My chances are slim.” Her assistant breathed a deep sigh of relief. “I did decide on taking the next two days off before the conference. My son and daughter-in-law came down with the baby this weekend so I didn’t get much cleaning or packing done.”
“Fine by me.” Mia shrugged. “You work too hard anyway.”
“I’ll see you when I get back from the conference.” Barbara smiled. “With updates, of course.”
“I’ll need those updates.” Mia nodded. She was so glad when Barbara had agreed to go in her place. She was super busy with moving arrangements, and she couldn't afford the distraction from her plans. “Thanks for going in my place, and please call me with any ques
“Will do.” Barbara turned around just as she neared the door and almost ran smack dab into Jordan on the way out. She let out a shocked yelp. “Jordan, I’m surprised to see you’re still here.”
Jordan glanced from Barbara to Mia, then back again. “I’m on the way out the door actually. My flight leaves in the morning.”
“Awesome, boss. See you in Cali.” Barbara excused herself and exited the office.
Jordan cleared his throat. “May I have a word with you?” He came inside and closed the door without her reply.
“Yes, please do come in.” Mia tried to keep her tone stoic, but the sarcasm still prevailed. Her body temperature rose a few digits as he neared her desk.
It was late. Almost near dinner time, so hardly anyone was still in the building. He’d removed his tie and left a couple buttons loosened on his shirt. That’s the way he preferred to dress anyway, casual. She never took him for the dressy type. When they’d been really close, his normal attire consisted on polo shirts and jeans. Always jeans.
“When were you going to tell me?” Jordan’s forehead creased, just like it always did when he worried about something.
“I didn’t know that I had to answer to you. My boss’s name is Robert Walters.” She picked up her coffee and took a sip. The brew was cold and stale. She refrained from spewing it back into the mug.
“Mia, let’s not go back and forth like children. Why did you resign? Is it something I did, something I said?”
“No, Jordan.” She exhaled and the tension faded in her back and shoulders.
He sat down in the chair directly in front of her desk. “What is it, Mia? Less hours, more pay, benefits? Tell me, I’ll fix it.”
Was he serious? Did he really want her to stay? She searched his eyes for any hint of bullshit. He was known for it. There was none there this time. “You knew that when I took this job, even while your stepmother was running it, I didn’t plan to stay indefinitely. This is not the career path I wanted.”
“Yeah, I know.” He ran his fingers through his hair, and sat farther back in his chair. “But, why are you moving back home?”
“I’ve accepted a position at the firm my dad works at.”
He swallowed noticeably, the faint outline of his Adam’s apple extending forward. “Okay, I get it. We overworked you here, now you need a more stress-free position with fewer hours. Is that it?”
“It’s my dream job.” This time, she sat back in her chair, crossing her legs. “Moving would reduce the stress associated with living and working in two different cities. It’s the best thing...for me.”
Why was she explaining herself to him? Why did he care?
The room remained deathly quiet for several moments. He’d averted his gaze to something on the floor. She didn’t know what else to say to him. He couldn’t keep her as a slave in his company forever. Why had she even stayed all this time? Between her savings and the money her father sent to her so she wouldn’t have to work and attend school, she could have left Bell and Chapman a long time ago.
Work kept her mind off other stressful situations. When she was studying and buried under contracts, she didn’t have time to worry about the past or the future.
“I still love you.”
The declaration was so faint that her ears pricked up. Did he just say…
Love had never been a part of what they used to have. Never spoken or hinted on. What did he mean, he still loved her? Had he ever? Lust and passionate sex, yes. Love, no.
His eyes met hers. “I love you. I always have, and I can’t bear the thought of not seeing you again.”
Her heart seemed to gallop in her chest, and her blood rushed through her veins in a panic. He couldn’t love her. “Jordan…” She shook her head and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Her efforts were futile, and she couldn’t speak.
Jordan rose and came around the desk. He sat on the corner of it. This time, it was her eyes that dropped to the intricate pattern on the floor.
“Look at me, Mia.” He paused for a moment, giving her a chance to make eye contact. “Do you think I’m making this up?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered.
“I’m not.” He shook his head. “It’s been months since we’ve had a real conversation. How long are you going to avoid me?”
“I’m trying to avoid stress, Jordan, that’s all.”
“Are you saying that I stress you out?” He stared at her with a blank expression frozen across his face.
“No, not just you.” She pressed the palm of her hand to her forehead, and then stood. “Look. Being with you was too much for me. You came with too much baggage.”
A spark of knowledge replaced the bland expression on his face, indicating he knew exactly what she spoke of. “I couldn’t help that, Mia. How many times did I tell you that no other female mattered to me?”
Mia turned her back, faced the floor to ceiling windows, and glanced out at the dusky sky and the orange hue of the sunset on the horizon. Jordan had been well known on and off the campus. Before her, he could’ve made playboy of the year. Had she known he’d dated just about every sorority member on campus, she would have left him alone. Every sorority member may have been an exaggeration, but he’d left a lasting impression on a few. There was a time when they couldn’t even go on a date without a woman coming up to hit on him.
“One too many.” A cool breeze from the air vent above her brushed her bare shoulders. She crossed both arms over her chest and rubbed the chill bumps on her arms.
Mia smelled the familiar cologne before Jordan even touched her. Warmth enveloped her as he snaked his arms around her waist. After moments of hesitation from her, he pressed his chest closer into her back.
“I missed this.” His breath fanned the delicate skin behind her ear.
The chill bumps on her skin seemed to melt away instantly. She took a deep breath and drew in his woodsy scent. It had been so long since she’d felt safe and secure like this. When he pressed his chin into the top of her head, she closed her eyes, reminiscing on the times when she and Jordan would cuddle for hours in bed after a long night of sex.
“So do I.” Mia interlocked fingers with his just as his hand came to rest on her hips. She blushed when his groin pressed into her ass. Heat rose up her spine and neck. This time, her body didn’t shiver from the cold, but it vibrated from the sexual tension coursing through it.
“I’ve never felt this way with anyone but you.”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean.” It was easy for men to confuse lust with love, just as it was too easy for her body to respond to something she most certainly needed…and wanted.
“I wish you’d let me show you how much I care, and how much I want you back in my life.”
She turned around while still in his arms and tilted her chin to study him. “You’re just saying that because I’m leaving.”
“We’ve not been involved with each other for almost a year, and you pick now to tell me that.”
Jordan swept her hair back from her face, and off her shoulders. “You’ve never threatened to leave.”
“Well, let’s face it, Jordan. I’m leaving in two weeks. It’s too late now.”
“It’s not too late, Mia.” He slid his fingers around the back of her neck, and bent his head slightly to brush his lips with hers. “Never too late.”
Her legs felt like they were going to give out from under her. “Wh—”
“Sssh.” He tilted her chin even more so that their lips were touching, and they were almost eye to eye. “Why do you deny what you so obviously want?”
“What I want and what I need are two different things.”
“Are they now?” His voice was teasing, as if he detected a stretch of the truth.
“Yes…” The words barely left her mouth as Jordan took her lips in a kiss. Her legs were now putty beneath her, and her blood felt like molten lava in her veins
The kiss seemed to go on forever, an eternity. The only reminder that any time had passed was the sound of the second hand ticking away on the grandfather clock hanging on the wall.
She was the first to break away. “We didn’t just do that.”
“We did.” He nodded, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Mia glanced around him at the door. It was still closed, but anyone could have walked in on them. What had she been thinking? She reached under her desk and grabbed her briefcase. “I’ve gotta go. I’ve got an online seminar to attend in under an hour.”
“Listen, Mia.” He took her arm gently. “I never meant for our relationship to end like it did.”
“I know.” During their time together, he’d always expressed just how he felt. Ironically, the majority of their time was spent in bed.
“Then why did it have to end?”
She swallowed. “Because according to your best friend, I’m no good for you.”
“Mia.” A confused expression marked his face, and an eyebrow lifted in question.
“I’ve gotta go.” She turned around and hurried out of the office.
Chapter Five
Alan answered her call on the very first ring. She remained silent on the other end, and then finally cleared her throat after his third hello.
“It’s me, Alan. Mia.” She rushed into the bathroom, cell phone to ear, and grabbed a sack of toiletries from the linen closet.
“Mia, hey.” He seemed overly excited. “I just left lunch with an old friend of mine. We were just talking about you. You remember Scotty?”
Mia bit the inside corner of her lip. “You were?” She threw her makeup bag on the bed next to the suitcase.
“I told him we were going out tonight. He and his fiancée might stop by the restaurant too. To catch up on old times.”
“About that…” She scratched the back of her head. “I’ve been called out of town…on an emergency business trip.”
Barbara had called her just as she’d walked into her office that morning to tell her that she couldn’t go to the conference because her mother had fallen ill. It was only respectful to show sympathy. Instead of running around the office like a crazy person trying to find someone to replace Barbara at the conference, she buckled down and decided to go at the last minute.